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A course for exploring Tarot as a tool for rituals, invocations & ceremony. 

We will go through a creative exploration of rituals, invocations and ceremony through visual images, using Tarot as a unifying visual map. 

This course is for those who wish to connect with magic from a place of self-exploration, curiosity, creativity and personal/collective wellbeing. Those who join will learn practical, ritualistic and creative tools they can incorporate in their tarot practice. 

My academic background is in visual arts, I created a Tarot deck in 2019 and I have been working with Tarot and divination for the past 10 years. In England where I currently live, I got closer to local folklore, psychogeography, movement and chaos magic, which are my current fields of interest. All this shapes the content of this course.


CLASS 1: Tarot Spells

5th September - 18.30h UK time

The magical identity, consecrations, elemental magic & rituals for specific purposes. 
Note: we will utilise Golden Dawn correspondences.
No previous knowledge is required. 

CLASS 2: Invocations 

12th September - 18.30h 

Invocations through Tarot: angels, archangels, beings, demons & egregores.

CLASS 3: Archetypes

18th September - 18.30h 

We will work with a personal constellation of archetypes through Tarot for personal purposes. 


+ Those interested in the interception between art and magic. 
+ Those who attended Oracular Spectacular in the past. 
+ Those with good heart and a punk spirit. 

This 3 weeks course is £100.- 

It will be online on zoom + recordings will be available for those who can not attend live. 


We do not refund nor exchange purchases, so please be mindful before committing. 

If you wish to also attend the next edition of Oracular Spectacular in October, enjoy the discount: 

£280.- instead of £320.-

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